Where I was…

Last year (February 2021) was the lowest point of my life.  It was the middle of the pandemic.  I was told I was “immunocompromised” (based on updated lab work) with no further information, except to not get the virus going around.  I have never experienced such a low – fear, depression, helplessness, loneliness, topped with more fear.  I remember at one point wanting to buy a milk frother (a good one, that also heats the milk).  But I decided against it as the delivery date was 7 -10 days out and I literally thought to myself, “I could be dead by then.” So I never ordered it.  WTF, this is no way to live.  (By the way, I am still in the market for one so if you have a good recommendation lmk…=)). 

There were a couple of glimmers of light during that dark time.  I had a good friend call me on Duo every.fucking.day and seeing her face was one of the only things I had to look forward to each day.  I also had a couple of friends that got me out of the house for social distancing walks every week and that was the highlight of my week. Looking back, these things single handedly got me through.  Keep that in mind – your face, your presence, making someone laugh, checking in on friends…it could literally save someone.  So, if you are thinking about a friend, give them a call, stop by.  Whatever you feel in your heart…it could be the highlight of their day, week, or month.

Insomnia started creeping in and I couldn’t get a grip on my mental stability.  One of my sleepless nights I journaled for help. I was specific. I wanted a local practitioner to help me through a protocol I had bought supplements for.  I wanted someone to give me hope.  I wanted someone to guide me along my healing as I no longer felt in control or trusting of my body, mind or spirit.

The next morning my chiropractor let me come in before hours to get an adjustment.  I was in so much pain I couldn’t bear it anymore.  I now know the real reason of the pain wasn’t to get the adjustment.  It was to make a connection with my chiropractor.  I walked in with TWO masks on (remember I was absolutely in fear of the virus) and broke down in his office – crying and drenching my double mask situation.  He asked if I was ready to get a second opinion on my labs and health journey.  I looked at him and said “only if this other person gives me hope.”

I called the number he gave me that day and his guy answered.  He was located in Lakeville and uses the supplement line I specifically wanted to use!!! He talked about HOPE in that call and I knew I was in the right place.

At that point I had been working on my Hashimoto’s for about 6 years and couldn’t gain momentum, despite doing all.the.things.  He asked me if I was ever tested for Lyme.  Everything clicked at that point!  I went through with his recommended Lyme test, even though I didn’t need to do it.  At that point I knew I had it.  It all made sense.  That was March 2021.

Where I am… 

It hasn’t been a positive experience the whole time on this program.  I doubted the program at one point.  I actually felt worse for a good portion of it.  I wondered if it was working or if I was just pissing out expensive supplements.

BUT I am absofucking-lutely happy to report that I have been feeling really good over the past couple of months– mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.  I am feeling more like myself than I have in 8 years!

In fact, I just spent 10 days in the mountains of Montana and was able to experience every minute of it. Ahead of time, I only committed to a half a day of snowboarding as I didn’t know how my body would respond to the active lifestyle of the mountains.  You see, a couple of years ago one hike would leave my body wiped out for 5 days (granted the elevation gain was pretty intense).  But my calves would get so tight I couldn’t go up or down stairs.

This past trip to MT I snowboarded FOUR days and hiked in between (only taking 1 day off from activity). This would not have happened a year ago, or even 6 months ago.

The way our bodies respond to physical activity says a lot about where we are at overall health-wise.  This has been a good gauge for me. It was also one of the signs that led me to my original diagnosis of Hashimoto’s. I would be wiped out for days from a 20-minute light workout.  

Some of this positive progress is due to the specific way in which I have been working out (more on that to come).  But a lot of it has been from the detox protocol.  I have been working through toxins, parasites, etc for about a year now.  This has left my body free to focus on other things like healing after a workout, etc.

Where I am going…

The detox protocol that I am doing is supposed to be a year-long.  I had some delays in there.  I stayed on one of the phases for a little longer.  And then I took a couple of months off while we focused on the mold remediation in our house.  The fact that I am “behind schedule” would have driven me crazy back in the day.  I used to be an over achiever.  Now I am a listen-to-my-body-iever (anyone else listening to their body more these days?!?!)

The final phase of this protocol will take me 4-5 months.  It focuses on supporting the body through deeper detoxification of everyday toxins.  Healing deep within the body: joints, organs, nervous system, etc.  With a huge focus on Lyme tinctures.  There are actually quite a few co-infections (parasites, bacteria, etc.) that come along with Lyme so that is why this portion of the protocol takes up the biggest chunk of the program.

I no longer live in fear.  In fact, in November, I made it through “the vid”.  (I seriously need to buy that damn milk frother as a celebration!!)  I know I could catch it again but I am not scared anymore, I know that the fear I was living in was making me sicker than any damn virus, bacteria, etc.  Stress did way more damage to my system in 2020-21 than anything else.  This is probably why my lab work came back all wonky in early 2021…from the stress.  I am focused on healing, having fun, doing badassary, and being weird.  I can honestly say I am enjoying life fully for the first time in a long time.  I don’t even care what my lab work would say right now because I feel too damn good to care.  It’s kind of weird but once you make it out of such a low spot, everything is more enjoyable.  I also now trust my body, myself and my intuition more than I trust outside help.  This is incredibly freeing on a healing journey!

I know this last phase might not be easy.  Digging deeper into the detoxing might stir up more craziness.  But with how good I am feeling after making it through the first 4 phases gives me hope and courage to keep going.  I also stay motivated by keeping in mind that I am not just healing for myself.  With Lyme and other chronic infections on the rise… this shiz isn’t going away.  It is becoming more and more prevalent every day.  I am motivated to heal for others.  I am hopefully proving that with hard work and determination, healing is possible.  I am healing for myself, and for those to come.

Happy Healing,


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  1. […] started this final leg of my detox in late March.  You can read about it here.  Man, was I positive and excited!! […]

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